
中央社区学院, in a collaborative effort with the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, is offering scholarships to first-time and 转学生s pursuing degrees in programs of study leading to high wage, high skill, 高需求的职业. 奖学金每学年最高可达5000美元. The scholarship is renewable for up to three years for students who remain eligible.

符合申请2024-2025学年资助的资格, you must complete the 中央社区学院 Scholarship application and have a current application on file with the admission office. 申请优先日期为2024年3月1日. 最终申请截止日期为2024年9月1日.


  • Must be a 第一次学生 or a 转学生 定义如下
  • 每学期必须至少修满9个学分.
  • 必须保持至少2.0 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) to continue to receive the scholarship.
  • Scholarship recipients must live in Nebraska while receiving a scholarship (but may be recruited from outside of Nebraska).
  • Scholarship recipients are awarded Career Scholarships based on their enrollment in an eligible program of study.
  • Scholarship recipients may select another major and retain the scholarship award as long as the new program of study is an eligible program of study as defined in these guidelines.
  • 奖学金每年不超过5000美元. 可考虑由FAFSA确定的经济需要.
  • Scholarship recipients may not have previously earned a post-secondary credential. This includes a certificate, diploma, Associate Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, or Ph.D.
  • First-time students are defined as individuals who are enrolling in a for-credit program of study who have not been previously enrolled in a post-secondary institution, and
  • 以前没有获得过高等教育证书. This includes a certificate, diploma, Associate Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, or Ph.D.
  • Prior participation in high school dual-credit courses does not count as previous enrollment at a postsecondary institution.
  • Students who enroll Fall term 2024 and enrolled in college for the first time in the prior summer term are eligible.
  • Students who enroll in a preprogram for a selective admission eligible program are eligible for a scholarship in their first year; subsequent scholarships should only be awarded if the student is accepted into the eligible program of study.
  • Students who have a future matriculation record for a limited enrollment eligible program are eligible for a scholarship in their first year; subsequent scholarships will only be awarded if the student is accepted into the eligible program of study.
  • 参加该计划的时间最长为三年
  • 转学生是拥有一个或多个大学学分的个人,
  • 谁以前没有获得高等教育证书. This includes a certificate, diploma, Associate Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, or Ph.D. and who have transferred their enrollment from one or more institutions of higher education to 中央社区学院 with continuous enrollment.
  • Scholarship recipients are awarded Career Scholarships by an individual community college.
  • Transfer students between Nebraska colleges who were awarded a scholarship at the original college may receive a scholarship from the incoming college, 由新入学的学院自行决定, 并且必须遵循即将入学的大学的奖学金申请流程.

The Career Scholarship is automatically renewable if the scholarship recipient continues to meet eligibility requirements of the scholarship and remains eligible to enroll. 保持在项目中的持续资格:

  • 奖学金获得者必须保持令人满意的学术成绩,
  • a 2.累积平均绩点;
  • Maintain an adequate enrollment pace that will enable completion of the program of study within three years, 按照他们的教育计划.

The 内布拉斯加州职业奖学金 是否可以与其他奖学金和经济援助结合使用. Once awarded, 它可以再生长达三年, 如果学生保持至少累积2.0 GPA and continues to be enrolled as a full-time student in one of the following programs (注意:以下未列出的课程将不被奖学金考虑)


Students who received a scholarship by enrolling in a preprogram for a selective admission eligible program may only receive a subsequent scholarship if the student is accepted into the eligible program of study.

Students who received a scholarship by enrolling with a future matriculation record for a limited enrollment eligible program may only receive a subsequent scholarship if the student is accepted into the eligible program of study.


1. Career-Related Work Experience Every scholarship recipient must participate in a Nebraska-based internship, 学徒, 临床的最热门的网赌网址大全, or employment in the field of study prior to their final term of the program of study. 领取最后一学期的奖学金, the scholarship recipient must have participated a career-related work experience. Colleges will document career-related work experiences for each scholarship recipient.

2. Major Changes Scholarship recipients who change their major to one not included as an eligible program of study will no longer receive the scholarship beginning the following term. Scholarship recipients who change their major must inform the scholarship Coordinator or risk losing their scholarship.

*先决条件要求. 请联系 Admissions 了解更多信息.*