What is Sexual Harassment?


中央社区学院遵守所有联邦和州的民权法律,禁止在公立高等教育机构中存在歧视. Central Community College will not discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, student or applicant for admission on the basis of race, religion, hearing status, personal appearance, color, sex, pregnancy, political affiliation, source of income, place of business, residence, creed, ethnicity, national origin (including ancestry), citizenship status, physical or mental disability, age, marital status, family responsibilities, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, veteran or military status (including special disabled veteran, Vietnam-era veteran or recently separated veteran), predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status or any other protected category under applicable local, state or federal law, 包括保护那些反对歧视或参与校园或平等就业机会委员会或其他人权机构的任何申诉程序的人.

这项政策包括在就业和获得教育机会方面的不歧视. Therefore, any member of the campus community, guest or visitor who acts to deny, deprive or limit the educational, employment, residential and/or social access, 校园社区的任何成员基于其实际或被认为是上述受保护阶层的成员而获得的利益和/或机会违反了学校的非歧视政策. When brought to the attention of the college, 任何此类歧视将由学院根据既定程序进行适当补救.

Sexual Misconduct Violations


Sexual Harassment 

The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and the state of Nebraska regard Sexual Harassment, a specific form of discriminatory harassment, as an unlawful discriminatory practice. 中央社区学院采用了以下性骚扰的定义,以解决学术社区的独特环境.  Acts of sexual harassment may be committed by any person upon any other person, regardless of the sex, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity of those involved. Sexual Harassment, as an umbrella category, includes the offenses of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, and is defined as:

Conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:

Quid Pro Quo:

  • an employee of the Central Community College,
  • 为中央社区学院提供援助、福利或服务设定条件;
  • on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct; and/or

Sexual Harassment:

  • unwelcome conduct, 
  • determined by a reasonable person,
  • to be so severe, and
  • pervasive, and,
  • objectively offensive, 
  • 它实际上剥夺了一个人平等参加中央社区学院教育项目或活动的机会.[4]

Sexual assault, defined as:

Sex Offenses, Forcible:

  • Any sexual act directed against another person,
  • without the consent of the Complainant, 
  • including instances in which the Complainant is incapable of giving consent.

Forcible Rape:

  • Penetration, 
  • no matter how slight, 
  • of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or
  • oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, 
  • without the consent of the Complainant.

Forcible Sodomy:

  • Oral or anal sexual intercourse with another person, 
  • forcibly,
  • and/or against that person’s will (non-consensually), or 
  • 在投诉人因年龄而无法给予同意的情况下,不得强迫或违背当事人的意愿[5] or because of temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.

Sexual Assault with an Object:

  • The use of an object or instrument to penetrate, 
  • however slightly,
  • the genital or anal opening of the body of another person,
  • forcibly,
  • and/or against that person’s will (non-consensually),
  • 或在投诉人因年龄或因暂时或永久精神或身体丧失行为能力而无法给予同意的情况下,不得强迫或违背该人的意愿.

Forcible Fondling:

  • The touching of the private body parts of another person (buttocks, groin, breasts),
  • for the purpose of sexual gratification,
  • forcibly,
  • and/or against that person’s will (non-consensually),
  • 或在投诉人因年龄或因暂时或永久精神或身体丧失行为能力而无法给予同意的情况下,不得强迫或违背该人的意愿.

Sex Offenses, Non-forcible:

  • Incest:
    • Non-forcible sexual intercourse,
    • between persons who are related to each other,
    • within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by Nebraska law. 
  • Statutory Rape:
    • Non-forcible sexual intercourse,
    • 根据内布拉斯加州的法律,与未满16岁的法定同意年龄的人发生性关系.

Dating Violence, defined as:

  • violence,
  • on the basis of sex,
  • committed by a person,
  • 谁与投诉人有或曾经有浪漫或亲密的社会关系.
    • 该关系的存在应根据投诉人的陈述并考虑该关系的持续时间来确定, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
      For the purposes of this definition—
    • Dating violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse.
    • 约会暴力不包括家庭暴力定义所涵盖的行为.

Domestic Violence, defined as:

  • violence,
  • on the basis of sex,
  • committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the Complainant,
  • by a person with whom the Complainant shares a child in common, or
  • by a person who is cohabitating with, or has cohabitated with, the Complainant as a spouse or intimate partner, or
  • 根据内布拉斯加州的家庭暴力或家庭暴力法,投诉人受保护免受该人的行为侵害.

*To categorize an incident as Domestic Violence, 被投诉人和投诉人之间的关系必须不只是两个人作为室友住在一起. 同居的人必须是现任或前任配偶或有亲密关系. 

Stalking, defined as:

  • engaging in a course of conduct,
  • on the basis of sex,
  • directed at a specific person, that
    • would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety, or
    • the safety of others; or
    • Suffer substantial emotional distress.
      For the purposes of this definition—
      • Course of conduct means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts in which the Respondent directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means, follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about a person, or interferes with a person’s property.
      • 通情达理的人是指在类似情况下与投诉人具有相似身份的通情达理的人.
      • 实质性的情绪困扰是指严重的精神痛苦或痛苦,可能但不一定需要医疗或其他专业治疗或咨询.

-As used in the offenses above, the following definitions and understandings apply:

Force: Force is the use of physical violence and/or physical imposition to gain sexual access. Force also includes threats, intimidation (implied threats), and coercion that is intended to overcome resistance or produce consent (e.g., “Have sex with me or I’ll hit you,” “Okay, don’t hit me, I’ll do what you want.”).

Sexual activity that is forced is, by definition, non-consensual, but non-consensual sexual activity is not necessarily forced. Silence or the absence of resistance alone is not consent. Consent is not demonstrated by the absence of resistance. 虽然抵抗不是必需的,也不是必须的,但这是不同意的明确表现.

Coercion: Coercion is unreasonable pressure for sexual activity. 强迫行为与引诱行为的不同之处在于为获得同意而施加的压力的类型和/或程度等因素. When someone makes clear that they do not want to engage in certain sexual activity, that they want to stop, or that they do not want to go past a certain point of sexual interaction, continued pressure beyond that point can be coercive.

Consent is:

  • knowing, and
  • voluntary, and
  • clear permission
  • by word or action
  • to engage in sexual activity.

Since individuals may experience the same interaction in different ways, 每一方都有责任在参与活动之前确定对方是否同意.

If consent is not clearly provided prior to engaging in the activity, 同意可以在互动过程中或之后的某个时刻通过言语或行动来批准, but clear communication from the outset is strongly encouraged.

For consent to be valid, 必须在言语或行为上明确表示对方同意该特定的性行为. Reasonable reciprocation can be implied. For example, if someone kisses you, you can kiss them back (if you want to) without the need to explicitly obtain their consent to being kissed back. 

Consent can also be withdrawn once given, as long as the withdrawal is reasonably and clearly communicated. If consent is withdrawn, that sexual activity should cease within a reasonable time.

同意某些性接触(如亲吻或爱抚)不能被推定为同意其他性活动(如性交). A current or previous intimate relationship is not sufficient to constitute consent. 

同意或不同意的证明不是事件中任何一方的负担. Instead, 中央社区学院仍有责任确定其政策是否被违反. 同意的存在是基于在相同或类似情况下从理性人的角度评估的情况的总体, including the context in which the alleged incident occurred and any similar, previous patterns that may be evidenced. 

Consent in relationships must also be considered in context. When parties consent to BDSM[6] or other forms of kink, non-consent may be shown by the use of a safe word. Resistance, force, violence, or even saying “no” may be part of the kink and thus consensual, 因此,中央社区学院对扭结情境下的沟通评估应以合理性为指导, rather than strict adherence to policy that assumes non-kink relationships as a default.

[1] 不受欢迎是主观的,由投诉人决定(除非投诉人未达到同意年龄)。. Severity, pervasiveness, 和客观冒犯性是基于在相同或类似情况下的理性人(“站在投诉人的角度”)的整体情况来评估的。, including the context in which the alleged incident occurred and any similar, previous patterns that may be evidenced. 

[2] Per Nebraska state law. 

[3] Bondage, discipline/dominance, submission/sadism, and masochism.

[4] 不受欢迎是主观的,由投诉人决定(除非投诉人未达到同意年龄)。. Severity, pervasiveness, 和客观冒犯性是基于在相同或类似情况下的理性人(“站在投诉人的角度”)的整体情况来评估的。, including the context in which the alleged incident occurred and any similar, previous patterns that may be evidenced. 

[5] Per Nebraska state law. 

[6] Bondage, discipline/dominance, submission/sadism, and masochism.